Daisy Parker look alike twin Corbin Hunter

Corbin Team Clayton Thomas CT

Daisy Parker is a model, actress and make up artist. Daisy Parker is a social media influencer with over 1 million followers on instagram.

Corbin Hunter is a professional dancer who has worked with universally known singer Beyonce, female rapper Megan Thee Stallion, and the Los Angeles Lakers as a former Laker girl. Corbin Hunter is also a actress who does comedy skits on youtube with Clayton Thomas. Corbin Hunter is the host at Sheenmagazine. She is also represented by Cleartalentgroup.

Corbin Hunter in a skit apart of team Clayton Thomas

Daisy Parker look alike twin Corbin Hunter are famous look alike. They are light skin women with curly brown hair. Below are the social media links to their pages.

Daisy Parker Instagram

Corbin Hunter Instagram